Sardinian organic pulses

In the heart of Sardinia, we grow the finest organic pulses our land can yield. Nature, sun and uncontaminated soils make for natural and tasty pulses, precious source of fiber and minerals.

What makes our pulses so good?
Simple, they are all natural!
Our products

Organic lentils
Our organic lentils are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. They are also an excellent source of iron, phosphorus and B vitamins. Naturally high in fiber and low in fat.

Health benefits from our chickpeas are manifold: high in vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins, magnesium and phosphorus (both minerals that play a key role in our well-being). Chickpeas also help bring down cholesterol levels.

Passion and Nature – our recipe for a happy life
Pulses and beans are absolute staples in any natural, organic, balanced diet.
Pulses are rich in vegetable protein, fiber and minerals. They are also very low in calories and contain little, unsaturated fat – which makes them particularly good for our health, as unsaturated fat helps lower “bad cholesterol” levels in the blood.
Our mission

Working the land
The soil, rich and ancient as the very island of Sardinia, must be prepared and plowed before sowing.

Growing (nutritious) legumes
We follow the natural plant life cycle to expertly grow the best legumes that we can.

When fruits are ripe, pulses are harvested and prepared to be delivered directly to your home.

We are a small, family run farm. Our products are 100% organic.
Our land yields excellent legumes, like chickpeas and lentils. Organic farming is respectful of nature and reliant on its cycles, so adverse weather conditions may affect yields.
Our values

Our work
Our fields are very old and have been uncontaminated since forever. Our main goal is to preserve their original state, respecting nature and the environment.

Cultivation and harvesting
We sow, cultivate and harvest only what the land can yield. Ensuring high quality and naturalness of our products is more important to us than focussing on large production quantities.

Our values

Our work
Our fields are very old and have been uncontaminated since forever. Our main goal is to preserve their original state, respecting nature and the environment.

Cultivation and harvesting
We sow, cultivate and harvest only what the land can yield. Ensuring high quality and naturalness of our products is more important to us than focussing on large production quantities.
Sardinia, an island bathed by three seas

Sardinia is a unique island, located in the center of the western Mediterranean basin and washed by three seas: the Sardinian sea, the Tyrrhenian sea and the sea of the Gulf of Cagliari. Trexenta, our farm location, is a region in the southern-center of the island, a large area close to Sardinian capital city, Cagliari, and not too distant from two other main cities, Oristano and Nuoro.
This strategic, central location is also characterized by proximity to the south, east and west coast, each influenced by a different sea.
Winds are a key factor here – sea air is blown towards the land, its scent diffusing through the entire region.
In fact winds are such a crucial element of insular weather that any islander would know their names and their characteristics:
- Mistral: dominant wind on the island, blowing from the northwest and bringing waves of polar air to the Mediterranean coasts.
- Ponente: blowing from the west, it brings a sea breeze that sweeps across the whole of Sardinia to the Gulf of Cagliari.
- Sirocco: warm wind that blows from the southeast, from Saharan Africa, bringing intense heat waves and summer rains.
- Gregale: cool northeasterly wind, its effect changes with the season. Pleasant breeze in the summer, it turns cold, dry and stormy in the winter.
So be it the characteristic scent of the Mediterranean bush brought by the Mistral and the Ponente, or the warmth carried by the Scirocco from the Gulf of Cagliari, or the pleasant cooling Gregale breeze from the Tyrrhenian Sea, our land benefits from all the winds’ positive influences.

Legumes properties
Legumes are a very important plant family – pulses are in fact essential for nutrition, being the only vegetable naturally high in protein. Crucially important in a plant-rich diet, pulses differ substantially from vegetables and greens, containing mainly protein and carbohydrates. Their origin seems to go back to ancient times; it appears they were consumed by humans even before the birth of agriculture in the Neolithic period (10000 B.C.). Pulses are clearly a valuable food that has accompanied the history of mankind and still continues to be widely consumed today also because of its high nutritional value.
Pulses are wholesome and balanced: they contain fiber, minerals, numerous B vitamins, trace elements, iron, zinc and calcium. A good source of energy, they contain few calories and aid healthy growth.
- Rich in antioxidants, helping reduce the effect of free radicals.
- Naturally cholesterol-free, containing very little, mostly unsaturated fat and therefore good for heart and arteries
- High iron content helps counter anemia and chronic weakness.
- High fiber concentration improves bowel regularity and helps with constipation.
- Gluten-free, and therefore suitable for consumption by people with celiac disease, can be ground into flour or used to make pasta.
- Contain tryptophan, from which serotonin (aka “the happy hormone”) derives, boosting our mood.
Contact us.
We produce and sell our legumes in Sardinia.
Please contact us for information on sales and delivery arrangements.
Tel. 351.66.88.708
Or fill out the form to request a quote.